Mobile App Development Fund

Hello World Wide Web!

I’ve developed a fun, exciting and phenomenal mobile App for Apple and Android catering to music lovers of all ages and denominations.

The App combines Jamaican/West Indian music and culture with advertising and marketing, (I’m sorry if this is a vague description as I cannot divulge too much in fear of having my idea stolen as it is not yet copy written).

My App will help provide the technological paradigm shift that Jamaica and the West Indies need in order to become even more recognized amongst the rest of the world. My App will also provide a competitive platform in the Jamaican and Caribbean markets as a well as increase the positive global notoriety of the West Indies.

Jamaica has potential for greatness and I happened to be feverishly passionate about seeing my native country thrive.

Also, once developed I plan to contribute 8% of the Apps profit to people, schools, extracurricular clubs, companies and communities in need in Jamaica.

I’ve drawn up the business plan and I’ve spoken with some App Developers and it is going to cost me $20,000 – $25,000 CAD to bring my App to life.

I’ve been actively searching for investors with no avail and unfortunately do not have that kind of money. So I figured: why not give Go Fund Me a try?

Any little bit helps and I sincerely hope to reach my goal with your help!

Thank you all and God bless!

Here is the direct link to my page:

Multiple Sclerosis Walk 2015


Hello World!

My daddy, Michael Knibbs was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, (MS) in 1998 after he’d suffered from one of his first MS attacks.

In 2012 we participated in the MS Walk as a family; however since then we have not been able to due to my dad’s condition worsening. In 2012 he was fully mobile with just the assistance of a cane. Now his gate is much more laboured and much slower and he can only walk very short distances with the assistance of walker.

My daddy, along with one-hundred thousand other Canadians live with MS and three more people are diagnosed every day. MS is unpredictable and can affect vision, hearing, memory, balance and mobility. Its effects can be physical, emotional and financial. Currently there is no cure but each day, researchers are learning more about what causes MS and are zeroing in on ways to prevent it. With your help, I want to do something for everyone who is living with MS!

I’ve registered as a participant for this year’s MS Walk to help raise funds for Canadians living with multiple sclerosis. My younger sister Kiana and I are team captains for our team we created; Team Full Joy.

Please help support my daddy, our Team Full Joy and the thousands of other Canadians battling MS by making a secure donation online or make a contribution to me in person…every little bit helps.

Click the link below to visit my personal page:

Click the link below to view our team’s page:

To find out more about the MS Walk, visit

Thank you in advance for your support!!!