Racial Profiling??? I think not…

A Dose of Fousey…

Just so we’re clear… this Vlogger, Dose Of Fousey called this racial profiling. How??? Lol! I get that he may have felt that he was wrongfully pulled over but let’s be honest… how is the officer supposed to know that he was even within the 3 month time frame to get the proper plates without pulling him over first?? Why was he driving with an expired driver’s licence??? If this was a Black man it would have gone down TOTALLY different.

#1. Fousey would not have been able to tape this entire occurrence #2. Throughout the video he continually threw verbal jabs and smart remarks at the police officer even AFTER he did him the COURTESY of waiting for his friend to come drive his car home for him instead of just impounding it. #3. NO police officer has to wait THIRTY MINUTES to TWO HOURS for a friend to show up when your licence is expired so not to have your car impounded.

If this were truly an example of REAL racial profiling, subsequent to Fousey being pulled over he would have been told to turn off his camera. If he refused, he may have been arrested or shot. Upon his snide remarks to the police officer, he may have been arrested or shot. Upon exiting his vehicle, he may have been arrested or shot, OR cuffed and made to wait inside of the police car. And lastly, that “brand new car” would have been what? IMPOUNDED!

This is NOT an example of racial profiling. THIS, is an example of what happens when you’re pulled over for driving without plates, having an expired driver’s license, acting like a douche-bag and getting away with it all whilst not having your car impounded.

I absolutely loved his video with the rape victim alongside a few other videos I peeped; but this is an abomination and a mockery of a real serious issue for some. THIS IS NOT A VIDEO ON RACIAL PROFILING!!! There are people who seriously struggle with this and have even lost their lives as a result. Sandra Bland, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and even Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed are REAL examples of racial profiling; not this.

Personally, I’ve had a Dose of Fousey and I’m sorry to say but Fousey clearly is not FDA approved. I was left puzzled by Fousey’s vlog this time, and I do not agree. He expresses in the start of the video that he allegedly learned a lesson; let’s hope so.

***You may Fast-forward past Fousey’s useless blabber in order to get to the actual police confrontation at five minute, and thirteen seconds into the video, (5:13).***

Keisha N. Knibbs